My messier side . . .


Life’s about more than business, and I try to be as personable as possible when doing design work for clients because I know their company is near and dear to their heart. Having your own business is more of a lifestyle than a job. And I understand that completely as my family runs a farm and feedlot.

If you’re interested in my messier, more memorable side as a farmer’s wife, full-time mom, part-time bookkeeper at our feedlot and part-time graphic designer, I’d be delighted if you’d visit my personal blog Moo Plate Special where I share family recipes full of memories, free printables, and DIY tips and tricks—whether it be gardening or gift ideas. I try to share as many “specials” on my life’s menu as possible given the short amount of time I’m able to dedicate to this hobby of blogging, of which I started a little over a year ago.

I hope you’ll enjoy my messier side. 🙂