
Connecting Young Nebraskans Program

Connecting Young Nebraskans, an organization and event that I recently worked with, needed a brand new look. I created a new graphic/logo which was used in a variety of online materials (MailChimp, Facebook, registration page, etc). Signage, banners, free promotional giveaways, table tents, flyers and program booklets were print materials produced for this event, as well. Working with and getting to know this new client was interesting and enlightening because I was requested to create something from scratch that appealed to them in a whole new way while keeping the overall meaning and purpose behind the organization the same.

Check out this booklet I designed for the 2018 Connecting Young Nebraskans event held at the Pender Community Center. This program is printed on an 11 x 17″ ledger folded in half with a front and back insert printed on an 8.5 x 11″ letter size.

Fill Each Other’s Cup Kids Day Camp Journal

This past summer, I designed this booklet/journal for the Pender Community Center’s Kids Day Camp. Their theme was “fill each other’s cup,” so I ran with the imagery of lemonade and fresh squeezed kindness.

The kids learned how exercise can be fun and about different food choices and how those choices make us feel and function.

There was also a handout about what makes each of us unique so that each kid per age group could fill out each other’s different qualities. It helped them to understand that when you combine all those different qualities, you find what makes you unique.

Children were given the opportunity to draw or write what they love about their community. The day was concluded with the distribution of “boxes of sunshine” to different inspiring community members.

It was a fulfilling project to design and be a part of. The community center is one of my favorite clients!

PCC KIDS DAY CAMP-cover page.jpg
Kids Day Camp-Fill out page
Kids Day Camp-1 light bulb
Kids Day Camp-Seas the day
Kids Day Camp-Be a good one
Kids Day Camp-have courage
Kids Day Camp-Have fun in kitchen
Kids Day Camp-Learning Menu
Kids Day Camp-Recipe cards
What makes me unique?
I love my community because . . .
Community drawing